Wednesday, September 12, 2007

今日はいい天気です。(i'm pretty sure this means "Good weather today")



yukki said...


今日はとてもいい天気ですね!ブログはいいですか?I hope you'll enjoy blogging in Japanese (^^)


Ken Switzer said...

Konnichiwa Hills-san. It's great to have you as a member of the group. Do you like sports or any kinds of martial arts?

Ken Switzer said...

I saw you in the language lab on Friday, what did you think of it? Were you able to follow along with the video or do you think that they were speaking too fast?

Mee Hyun said...

Haha...こんばんは! Since I don't read katakana yet, I just had some trouble finding your blog. But good for you for already knowing so much!

Christy said...

Hello Hills-san! (or Konnichiwa) How is Japanese going for you? It seems that there are a lot of EALAC majors in our Nihon-go class!